== Zafir Stojanovski ==

If you'd like to get in touch, you can reach me at zaf.stojano@gmail.com


I am an ML Engineer, with experience ranging from pure research to early-stage companies:
  • Senior ML Engineer @ Loka, starting soon.
  • Co-founder @ uxo.ai, building agents that understand and navigate the web.
  • ML Engineer @ Aimino, developing solutions robust against distribution shifts.
  • Research Assistant @ EML, exploring catastrophic forgetting in foundation models.

Co-authored "Momentum-based Weight Interpolation of Strong Zero-Shot Models for Continual Learning", which won the "Best Paper Award" at INTERPOLATE @ NeurIPS 2022, and has since been cited by several publications affiliated with Google DeepMind [1][2][3], and Meta AI [4][5].

Created and open-sourced Word Game Bench, a fun way to evaluate language models on word puzzles.

Wrote and open-sourced "Answers to Chip Huyen's Machine Learning Interview Questions", a booklet answering interview questions covering Math, Computer Science, ML workflows and algorithms. Also, wrote parts of the course script for a grad-level class in "Probabilistic Machine Learning".

Obtained Master's degree in Machine Learning – University of Tübingen, Germany (GPA: 1.0/1.0).
(fun fact: Johannes Kepler, the father of modern astronomy, studied here in 1591!)


I am a passionate proponent of open-source, and have contributed to several libraries:
